Our Grooming Department is welcoming NEW CLIENTS! Please call and leave a message if you have any questions at 519-699-0875 ext.3
or email us at info@laurelwoodvets.ca ATTN: Grooming
With each groom, your pet receives complete care while they enjoy a warm bath and dry after a thorough brush-out. Your pet will be groomed to your specifications. Each pet also has their nails trimmed and ears cleaned. With a soft and gentle hand we are able to give you a report on the physical and mental health of your pet following it's groom. We understand the particular grooming and styling needs of the different breeds of dogs, and can advise you of techniques for home maintenance grooming as well as seasonal grooming needs.
We offer flexible grooming appointments.
Good health and good looks go hand in hand with good grooming.
The best team for accomplishing this is your veterinarian, your professional groomer, and you!